Sunday, December 5, 2010

todaY : 5Th DeC.....

5th Dec : today pergi wedding My Chenta's friend....n after that we're heading to Pyramid....MasyaAllah..ramainya manusia kt sana.....hampir semua tmpt penuh ngn org...mayb its wkend and YES sume dah wonder la nmpk dorg shopping berbeg2....untungnya kalo byk byk kali pn xpe..kita ni nk shopping, dua tiga kali......adeh...pengsan!but luckily kita hidup cmni, SEDERHANA .....kita xmembazir beli sesuatu yg kita nk waktu tu je...................alhamdulillah.......mudah2an Allah permudahkan rezeki kita semua...amin................................

Semoga apa yg aku nmpk ari ni menjadikan aku yg lebih baik untuk hari seterusnya................... =)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

NoVemBEr End..WElcOME dec.....end OF The YeAR...

24th Nov : Nov pun dah nk abes......welcome dec....the gudbye dec..welcome 2011....sekejap je rsnya untuk tahun 201o nih...sadness,happiness....evrtyhing....sume nyer in this year....but im happy to be in this year...there's  a lot of challenges......i accept it......=)

ahad lepas pergi kenduri my friend kt N9.....congratez to KAMIL N WIFE.........hopefully ikatan perkahwinan kalian hingga akhir hayat dan dikurniakan baby yg comel2..........few pics taken monh will go to LAngkawi.....celeb their event ktsana....eee...xsbrnyer.......=)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

HoliDay makEs me headAche....

18th Nov : cuti for  5 days straight....semalam jenjalan to umah makcik till late eve...night tdo sis working  so boring...kena layan 4org budak kecik yg nakal nya NAUZUBILLAH....sabarkan aku ya resting with irfan dlm bilik..budak2 kt bawah maen game...then pasni nk kuar svc kete..sian my PEARL....bp lama dah tak svc...huhuhuhuhu........

now waiting for my chenta.kemas bilik katanya..nk minta tunuk tmpt svc kete yg len plak........xlrt nk tggu lelama..kete tu nk manja2....sbar ek PEARL.....nnt kita pi spa wat urutan manja2 gitu..hihihihihi..GILE!!

sooooo nk buat apa cuti lelama?mggu depan sengsara..........pls jgn bg keje byk2!!!amin.....heheheh

Saturday, October 23, 2010

A GReaT MomEnt FoR Us!

23th Oct : after a week cuti, nextweek kembali ke opis as usual....hem...mseti byk bnda pending nih!huwaa!!!
kembali ke tanah air,aku dapat rasakan nikmat berada di sini berbanding di tempat org..alhamdulillah kita di sini hampir cukup semuanya..mudah2an ianya berterusan dan berpanjangan..amin....

17th oct : 5pm bertolak ke destinasi yg dituju .JAKARTA.....akan berada disana hampir 4hari untuk cuti2 bersama tersayang...dalam jam 8pm smpi dan dijemputoleh supir yg sgt baik..PAK ERWAN!terbaik servisnya buat kami....seterusnya, ke hotel tmpt along menginap untuk ambil along dan terus dinner...along belanja nih!sedap nasi uduknya...sebab lapar juga....after that Pak Erwan bw pusin2 Jakarta dan lihat MONAS.MONAS ---> seperti menara dan diatas sekali terdapat seperti api pada obor dan api obor itu adalah emas...kagum melihatnya.....lastly balik hotel....sebab dah penat...

18th Oct : Bgn pg seawal jam 6am waktu Indonesia....untuk bertolak ke Bandung...cuaca pd mulanya nmpk tak baik.mcm nak ujan..but smpi Bandung hujan lebat lak...xdapat lihat keindahan KUBAHAN PERAHU.....hujan sgt lebat...selesai ke KUBAHAN PERAHU, trus ke Factory outlet untuk shopping time....wah! My Chenta shopping sakan....after shopping at a few places kami berangkat pulang ke Jakarta....

19th Oct : Jalan2 di Jakarta..Pak Erwan tunjuk tmpt2 menarik di Jakarta...tmpt plg cantik adalah TAMAN MINI INDAH INDONESIA.....sgt cantik.. ada rumah2 traditional mereka..........sgt cnatik.....

20th Oct : Jalan2 lagi amek gmbr untuk bykkan koleksi....hehehehe/....jam 650 berangkat pulang ke tanah air..alhamdulillah trip kali ni sempurna n selamat......

Friday, October 8, 2010

StOry Of tHe DAy.................

8th Oct : Not working usual MC ler..So sorry boss and my partner..hopefully ari ni xrmi customer n cheque to conform pun tak byk ler.....cannot tahan lg..need rest kt sok kita jumpa n have fun (konon2nya have fun kt Pahang...wek!) SPOIL MY WEEKEND je!

Today acivities : bgn pagi --> mandikan ipan ---> siapkan diri ---> bekpes with ipan ---> tgk tv ---> men ngan ipan ---> mama balik ---> tido kan ipan ----> kemas beg untuk esok ---> tolong along preparation esok....hem....

Im waiting for another week....cannot wait to have a long vacation with my sis,MY CHENTA and my BFF (she's not my BFF after what had "HAPPENED)...all along whoever close to me and really close will be my kecik ati for what happened for last 3 months..whatever it is aku simpan kan je la apa yg jadi tu....jadikan pengalaman dan sentiasa jdkan iktibar buat diri sendiri. So U ALL, prepare urself ok? nnt bulan Dec jalan lg ya??? Kerja yg tertangguh kena abeskan nextweek so that no calling2 from the office...

Blogging pn dh no time to sit in front of this very cute lappy,and typing not doing that every tired la...jmpa My Chenta pn jrg2 dh...sian nyer....but we're happy! thanx ! =)

Im off now........daa....................  ~~~~~

Saturday, September 25, 2010


25th Sept : looking forward to hunt another job la.....its not because of the salary,environment or anything..but more to satisfaction and future....kena car keje yg leh menjamin hari tua gak..alhamdulillah, kerja skang baik2 masih lum lmbt lagi untuk ubah angin dan seterusnya berfikir untuk menghitung hari tua.......pendapat ni aku suara kan pada MY CHENTA.....he's ok but worried...its ok, kita usaha sama2 k???

bila fikir balik, org len tu mudah je.....sama mcm aku nak dpt kerja skang ni..apapun aku tetap bersyukur atas apa yg aku ada skang.berkat rezeki yang Dia limpahkan........tapi ye la, manusia ni tak pernah puas dgn apa yg ada....aku pun mcm tu aku nk sesuatu yg dpt menjamin ms tua aku...................skang ni nak bina family, kumpul harta yg patut...erm...takpe la......kita usha lagi!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Its Friday again..

17th Sept : Friday.......evrything went smoothly today..nothing hard.enjoy working.....early morning hujan lebat...on the way to office, tawakal and selawat banyak2 since mmg takot driving dalam hujan lebat....pg2 juga My Chenta sent a msg to drve careful....thanx for reminding me...but always remember ur words....CAREFUL...
@ office juga kerja mcm biasa.....Big Boss ari ni tanya killer uestion regarding team building..asked me and i have to say YES!and the team building falls on my birthday...yarks!!!tak beshnyer..nk celeb kt cni.. whatever it is we'll see....hahahahahahahahah....misteri............................................................jeng jeng jeng.....

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

kerja oh kerja ....;ets work tomorrow!

15th Sept : esok start working as usual..wah...after 5days off, kena pergi bertempur ngn cstmr..hopefully cstmr tak la wat hal..encik2 dan puan2 cstmr,pls br je balik dr bercuti dan skt perut masih ada lg....behave la...suka ati dorg la nk perangai cmne pun.mcm aku gak td jd cstmr local benk...siap wt complaint lagik! pengajaran yg kita cstmr xda kerja nk dtg byk kali......

esok my chenta ati pulang dr kampung nya yg jauh itu.after almost 9days berhari aya,pulang dengan selamat ye my chenta......Khamis cuti lagi sempena ngan malaysia day...first year ada cuti hari malaysia..alhamdulillah tmbh 1 ari lagi public holiday kt kalendar...

Todays acttivty : jenjalan kat empire gallery,subang parade and buy toys for children....yg mana toys tu akhirnya aku n adik aku yg main..hihihi...sian dorg kena kawal men bnda tu.if tak,mmg hilang la...xpnjg la umur toys tu ngeh3!

ok la....till next time...........................HappY WoRkIng!!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

feels so sad when i cant achieve it....


I just read from one of the website that my application for "it" has been declined...i have to do so......aku haap ada rezeki len pada ms akan dtg untuk bantu aku menjadi insan cemerlang.............SEDEY nyer..........xtau nk ckp cmne..hrp2 aku diberi peluang skali lagi untuk apply n mendapat tmpt....amin..............

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Raya dtg Lagi.............RAYA 2010!

5th Sept : ari ni ari ke 26 umat islam berpuasa...alhamdulillah.....hampir sebulan berpose dengan tenang an sentiasa tabah....syukur..tggal 4 ari lgi kita semua akan sambut lebaran.cepat masa berlalu.masa mula2 pose dulu, rs mcm lmbt je time at last dah ari ke 26 dah..erm.....cepat2...

raya ni kami semua raya di shah alam je......x balik kg mcm biasa..raya kat cni pun meriah gak.kitaorg jln2 umah sedara yg ada kt cni or paling jauh pun balik melaka...tgk2 sapa yg ada terima kasmi..(cewah!)

persiapan raya aku pun xdpt nk buat..since lum gaji..lambat nya nak shopping aku tgk je la....adoi la......xpe pasni aku shopping korg lak tgk erk?hehehehehehe


Sunday, August 22, 2010

RAMADHAN dtg lagi.....

22nd August : dah 12 ari umat Islam berpuasa....alhamdulillah, aku masih dipanjangkan umur untuk menyempurnakan ibadah ini sekali lagi....Syukur aku padaMu Ya Allah........................Puasa kali ni,ari2 aku dpt buka kat umah...tak mcm before......keje dulu xizinkan aku berbuka ngan happy to do that.....

Dah abes Ramadhan, datang lak Syawal.....This year, again we celebrate Eid in Shah Alam........I admit that i hv no kampung already.......Im happy to be here......Celebrate together with siblings......Oh...Raya ni will be the last Eid for my sister since next year she will celebrate it with her luvly Hubby!So sad........................=( Apa pun, aku doakan mereka bahagia ke akhir hayat!!!!!


Wednesday, July 7, 2010


7th July: my favee team lose to spain .....its just 1-nil.....but they can maintain the game till almost the end of the game..welldone to both team----->for SPAIn : attacking germany's team....GERmanY : defending ur goal......frustrated ....wanna see germany in the final..huwaaa.!!!!!!!

SEDIHNYA................n it will be the last game for my favee player i need to keep watching them playing in the next 4 years!

ubati luka ati kekalahan german di tgn Spain ngan senyuman....kekalahan yg tidak memalukan juga..........seperti team len...................


Saturday, July 3, 2010

boring saturday + nervous waiting for the game...

3rd July : erm..oring gile mggu ni.......dok umah n doing plak tah pape siaran...tolong la siar kan cite besh2 cket..mostly kan org cuti!pape tah!mlm ni game...nk tgk ke tak..if kt umah leh tgk, kt umah je la...
my chenta ajak tgk saame2 sian kt adik lak..hum....memang this week takleh nk gerak mana la..........terperap dlm umah...buhsannyer!

cuti oh cuti..nk pi mana cuti ni erk??alahai......sgt bosan!xda idea nk pi mana!!tolong la idea kuar n beri kan sesuatu yg sgt bernas untuk sy!susah ni nk dpt cuti lame...huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!TENSEN!

MINGGU YG SGT BOSAN DAN TENSION!sy leh kena high blood cmni!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

WORLD CUP.....and its stories.....

29th June : World cup lame dah start...aku je baru nk write something on this..of course as usual my favourite team is GERMANY!!hope they can go to the final....(harapan kena tggi...)but rasa kali ni mcm kureng cket la world cup cos of the big name in world cup kena tendang awl2 come?sebab dah takde yg hebat ? or dorg memang tak hebat? they have the answer....
KOREA n JEPUN sgt hebat di mata ASIA.....even ASIA ni kecik2 je orgnya, but we still can play woth the bgi name!well done to ASEAN TEAM!
Pasal world cup juga la, mamak2 penuh ngan manusia.....semua dtg just tgk bola ngan air segelas dua....sume pandang ke atas (tv tergantung)...nak wt cmne, kt umah maybe takde siaran lansung...KAYA mamak tu bulan neh!
Aku terjebak gak tgk world cup kt takot pi sorg2...hahah....kena la da member or bf terchenta yg far br skali dpt tgk cos most of Germany's game men lewat mlm...untuk elakkan dr ngantuk sewaktu bekerja (which is i hate it,cos tak leh fokus), tak leh la tgk!huhuhuhu...sedih...yg paling sedih tak dapat tgk my favee team kalahkan England....=( game will be with Argentina...owh owh!this team also bahaya!wish my favee team gud luck!hehehehheh....tetap sokong GERMANY!and of course the stricker ---------> KLOSE! yeay!!!
tomorrow last day aku wat EOD...argh!dpt gak balik awl..sebulan lebih suffer wt EOD..mcm2 hal...xlrt wey!!!!hopefully nnt next time evrthing going smoothly! =P

Sunday, May 23, 2010

sadness always around me......

 23rd May 2010 : after 2 months im back to share something.......within 2 months mcm2 benda yg berlaku....but evrthg still under control.....alhamdulillah...
but what happened today was unexpected......cos i just wanna have some gud time with him n cheer up myself after working hard for few weeks.....but its turns up to a different way!how sad am i to face the truth and the fact for i am at home just to rest my mind and to keep smile even its hurt...

thanx for a wonderful day that i had today...appreciate it so much!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

dugaan Tuhan sgt hebat....

18th March '10 : ari ni genap seminggu kejadian rumah aku di masuki pencuri.....pada aku inilah perkara yg paling aku takut dan risau selama ni.pada siapa kami nk bergantung harap akan keselamatan kalo semua yang ada dlm rumah ini abaikan aspek keselamatan? mujurlah aku,mama,adik semua tak diapa2kan....mungkin Tuhan ingin aku terjaga dr tidur, Dia beri aku mimpi yg leh wat aku terjaga.......pada ketika tu lah br aku sedar rumah ada org len yg tak diundang...nauzubillah...Ya Allah, aku berdoa padaMu agar Kau lindungi lah keluarga ku dr malapetaka,bencana dan perkara seumpamanya berlaku lagi..mudah-mudahan kami dilindungi di bawah payungMu...............AMin........................

Sunday, February 28, 2010

a StoRy oF a Child....

 28th Feb 2010 : what a sad a newspaper today, watched news lastnite----> mangsa dera...ya Allah, mana hilangnya pertimbangan akal manusia/dewasa melihatkan anak kecil menangis kesakitan. lebih memilukan bila anak itu pandai menyimpan rahsia dirinya didera.........manusia makin kejam! apalah dosa anak kecil?mereka sedang membesar...tiap apa yg dilakukan perlukan perhatian dan pengajaran.ygpenting pengajaran bukan lah dengan penderaan....

Ya Allah, Kau tempatkan lah anak ini di kalangan org yg beriman.tempatkan lah jua anak ini disisiMu...berilah petunjuk pada umatMU akan tiap perbuiatan yg zalim itu adalah salah dan kejam.....amin.....

~ =( ~

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Today's Story...

24th Feb 2010 : this morning someone made me angry...while waiting for budak kecik / time to step up into the office, lepaking in my car, there was a guy hit my car...seb baik la cket. tot that budak kecik goyang kan my car...bila turun tgk, WAH! my car...seb ok lagi n still cute like the owner..(hehehe)......

applied  cuti on monday..need to settle something important and urgent for my maid...she will be send home!huhuhu..after this we have to be independent in more " bibik..tolong....etc...."....have to babysit THE MONSTER ----> ipan n fiqah...made me going to jump from level 17...argh...sometimes, they're funny !

tomorrow my sis will go to langkawi for a holidays!wow....sgt besh..nk ajak my fen sorg pun tak nak..kecewa..but i try to make it real dude!u guys tak moh pi, i will go with my chenta.......he also busy working....haiya.....

today @ office a bit busy lor....but happy since they appreciated me a lot when im there...thanx guys...wish that i can continue my job there n be there with u guys and sharing something.....=)

Thursday, February 18, 2010

ItS BeeN A Long TimE....

18th Feb 2010 : two months in 2010....nothing is change...unless a lot of pressure nowadays. PRESSURE? aku ada pressure ke? keje? not really in the older of course and getting tired with the same question asked by people around me.....oh God, i need a breathe to all this things...what i can do is just work and enjoy my life as much as i can. YEAY!

another question in my mind is why i cant live happily like others?i mean , i need a freedom to choose for what i wanna do and whom i wanna be with...but somehow, i feel like its good to have this feeling since it will lead u on how to control urself and behave....its good but sometimes is freaking me out!hehehe...just forget bout it ....lets talk other things which can make me laugh and laugh....

oh...ya...this year i believe i will receive a lots of invitation cards from my school mates and friends..they will get married this year!wow!what a happy year for waiting for my prince charming to come and rescue me...hahaha....

erm....last week was my best buddy's birthday..poor her...hahahha..kuchai, u have to remember that day and keep it as our best memories ever!

my chenta???just like this...waiting for him and still loving him................................................=)

Friday, February 5, 2010

i miss that moment...

6th Feb 2010 : just looked at the old pictures of mine..a lots of memories.moment i spent my time to study, far from my lovely family and my chenta..then come back to shah alam....oooooowh!!!!i really miss that time...with my friends doing assignment, class,chit chat, study together, test n exam!!!!!dekat shah alam plak, last sem , tghari pi tgk wayang citer pe tah..hantu kot.,....hahahahahahaha....besh!alhamdulillah....aku ad kawan2 yg sgt happening........and i know they succeed!
to those yg dah kahwin, CONGRATULATIONS!to those yg nak kawen, GUD LUCK for the those yg still waiting, patient!

to my louvly friends ( uitm segamat n shah alam).......i miss u and the moment that we spent together!!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

every day is the same...

13th Jan 2010 : semua nyer same.tetap same.macam tak kan ada yg berubah. hidup mcm biasa mungkin akan bertambah beban di bahu.siapa tahu??kerja juga masih dlm proses pembelajaran...................evryday is learning proses....muda2an setiap yg aku belajar dapat di manfaat kan dgn baik dan Allah buka jalan yg lebih luas untuk aku pada masa depan..amin.................

for my chenta, i let him decide what is the best and suit for him...............wish u all the besh and GOOD LUCK!

as for myself, i just hope that my dreams  will come true........................................happy ending hopefully....................................

Friday, January 8, 2010

everyday im thinking of it............

9th Jan 2010 : of course im thinking of it.alomost everyday i said.whether to take that one or this one.even my chenta also cant gv the best asnwer..gosh!what im supposed to do?????take a dip or baling dadu?heheeh...whatever it is, kena fikir yg penting untuk kegunaan .......................................................tension nyer pk...i jst start to save some money for future comes once i me to solve it!!!