Tuesday, June 29, 2010

WORLD CUP.....and its stories.....

29th June : World cup lame dah start...aku je baru nk write something on this..of course as usual my favourite team is GERMANY!!hope they can go to the final....(harapan kena tggi...)but rasa kali ni mcm kureng cket la world cup cos of the big name in world cup kena tendang awl2 lagi..how come?sebab dah takde yg hebat ? or dorg memang tak hebat? they have the answer....
KOREA n JEPUN sgt hebat di mata ASIA.....even ASIA ni kecik2 je orgnya, but we still can play woth the bgi name!well done to ASEAN TEAM!
Pasal world cup juga la, mamak2 penuh ngan manusia.....semua dtg just tgk bola ngan air segelas dua....sume pandang ke atas (tv tergantung)...nak wt cmne, kt umah maybe takde siaran lansung...KAYA mamak tu bulan neh!
Aku terjebak gak tgk world cup kt mamak...tp takot pi sorg2...hahah....kena la da member or bf terchenta yg temankan...so far br skali dpt tgk cos most of Germany's game men lewat mlm...untuk elakkan dr ngantuk sewaktu bekerja (which is i hate it,cos tak leh fokus), tak leh la tgk!huhuhuhu...sedih...yg paling sedih tak dapat tgk my favee team kalahkan England....=(
so..next game will be with Argentina...owh owh!this team also bahaya!wish my favee team gud luck!hehehehheh....tetap sokong GERMANY!and of course the stricker ---------> KLOSE! yeay!!!
tomorrow last day aku wat EOD...argh!dpt gak balik awl..sebulan lebih suffer wt EOD..mcm2 hal...xlrt wey!!!!hopefully nnt next time evrthing going smoothly! =P